So, it is one of my last days in Australia and I haven't written a single thing about it on my blog. Been having way too much fun! Tonight it is cold and rainy in Sydney and I spent too much time in it today so I am sticking close to the hostel still trying to warm up...figured now is just as good of a time to write! So here goes. I will take the trip in chunks as I get some time. :)
My first real stop was Melbourne which turned out to be such a cool city. Wandered around my first day and just checked the city out. There are so many beautiful buildings! Here are just a few.

Apparently, I didn't get the memo that you are supposed to wear all black in Melbourne so I was the only person with any color on them. Not only was it color, it was flaming red! So I pretty much stood out like a sore thumb. Oh well, live and learn right!
Took a day trip down to Phillip Island which was really cool. Stopped at a sanctuary and got to meet/feed some kangaroos and wallabies. They were way too cute! Also saw my first koala, dingos, and a wombat. Even held a snake which is not typically high on my list of things to do.

We continued to a working farm where we saw sheep being sheared and also a demonstration on herding dogs. It was awesome to watch them work. They were training a new pup named Sheba and you could tell she just wanted to run after the sheep and turkeys. It was too cute!
After that, we went to see the grand finale! Every night, there are a bunch of Little Penguins that come out of the ocean in big groups and run across the beach to their burrows. It was awesome to watch them. Unfortunately, they don't allow pictures to be taken so it doesn't mess up the penguins but it was impressive to watch to say the least.

The next day I walked around a suburb called St. Kilda which was beautiful. A bunch of cool old houses with a ton of wrought iron all over them. More pix of that too...but apparently my pictures don't want to load tonight. So that is the first few days of the trip. More to come...including the pictures for this post!