Monday, June 15, 2009

My Sweet Grandma

I had a remarkable day. Sad but definitely moving. Today marked the funeral for my 93 year old grandmother Clara. She passed away last week while I was out of town and I was heartbroken that I didn't get to say goodbye to her. What an amazing woman. She was endlessly kind and so generous with her time and love. She is an incredible woman in every meaning of the word. As I sat today, surrounded by my family, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards my Heavenly Father for blessing me to come to the family that I did. I have so many people in my life that inspire and love me and I am so grateful for that. I think of the legacy that my ancestors, including my sweet grandma Clara, have passed on to me and I realize that I need to step up in my life and continue that legacy on to the others in my life. But I consider myself lucky to be the carrier of a torch that has come down to me from some of the strongest people that I have ever heard of. It drives me to be better.
My thoughts are particularly with my grandpa right now. I have known loss and lonliness in my life but I can't begin to comprehend the lonliness that he must feel after having lost his sweetheart of almost 70 years. Watching him over the last few days has been so hard but has brought so much peace to me also. Even through his sorrow, he has such a quiet strength about him that can only come from the knowledge that he will be with her again very shortly, never to be seperated again. I am so grateful to have that same knowledge. The knowledge that I will be with my family forever. What a humbling gift. I apologize for putting something so personal here, but wanted to share my love, appreciation, and admiration for my grandparents. Goodbye grandma. I love you.